Rachel Jennings has passed away suddenly. On Thursday, July 11, 2024, she was confirmed dead by family and friends who took the news to the social media, informing the public. She died leaving behind her family, who will always miss her. She was very quick witted and such a loving Mom and Wife. She would shine every time she spoke about her Family. The hearts of many are broken for the family seeing they have to go through such a difficult time.
Donate to the family (GoFundMe)
A GoFundMe page was created by Erin Packard in order to support the family with funeral costs and any extra expenses that may arise at this time. “Please consider donating, if you’re able. I can’t imagine the pain and uncertainty they are experiencing.” said a longtime friend of the Jennings family.
Those who knew Rachel Jennings knew that she was a beautiful person inside and out, a wonderful mother, wife, and friend. The world is a little less bright today without you her presence in it. However, her family is sort of relieved, even amidst the sorrow; knowing she she is in a better place. Her community will miss her forever.
More about Rachel Jennings
She was a Rising Star at Young Living USA. She was born and raised in Beavercreek, Ohio where she spent her early life and also lived until her time of death. Prior to her death, she was married to her loving husband, James Jennings who is in need of all the support and prayers at this time, seeing how hard it is losing someone you love. Rachel Jennings obituary and funeral arrangements will be released in due time.