This morning, tragedy struck during a water rescue operation involving Assistant Chief Mathew Tobben, when the rescue boat he was on lost power and subsequently capsized. The unfortunate incident unfolded amidst a backdrop of heavy rainfall, which had led to widespread flooding and numerous rescue operations across the area. The specific location of the incident was near Bear Creek and Rangeline Roads, situated just north of Interstate 70.
As Assistant Chief Tobben and his team were actively engaged in the rescue efforts, the unexpected loss of power to their boat proved catastrophic. The swift and turbulent waters took control, causing the boat to overturn, ultimately leading to Chief Tobben tragically drowning in the line of duty.
The circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking event underscore the perilous conditions faced by emergency responders during such operations. Despite the dedicated efforts of Chief Tobben and his colleagues, the unpredictable nature of swift water rescues highlights the inherent risks involved in protecting and saving lives under extreme circumstances.
In the wake of this devastating loss, our thoughts are with Assistant Chief Tobben’s loved ones, as well as with the entire Boone County Fire Protection District and Columbia Fire Department communities. Chief Tobben’s courage, selflessness, and commitment to public service will be forever remembered and honored.