Mike “Gunner” Healey, a former American rider, passed away at home in California. Mike’s nine individual race victories are a testament to his natural speed, as he has won two Motocross Grands Prix. He finished in a very tight second place in the 1991 250cc Motocross World Championship and in third place in the 1989 125cc Motocross World Championship. He was known as “Stray Cat” in his native USA, where he made his presence felt on a factory Cagiva before picking up a GP ride with KTM from 1989 until the 1991 season.
A wild rider with a rock n’ roll haircut and multiple tattoos at a time when Motocross riders rarely had them, his links to the rock band Guns N Roses gave him the “Gunner” nickname. Following this, he competed for the factory Suzuki 250cc team in 1992. However, he concluded the year by competing on his 125cc practice bike at the Steel City AMA National, where he drove cross-country to the event and surprised everyone by winning the second race of the day.
He will be eternally remembered by fans of the sport from that era as a brilliant rider with amazing speed, a unique character in the history of Motocross, and a natural talent with a kind spirit that contrasted with his outlandish appearance. Gunner, may you rest in peace.